Binding SSIDs to VLANs with DD-WRT



This document will overview the process of configuring SSIDs bound to separate VLANs on a DD-WRT access-point


I am in no way affiliated with the DD-WRT project, nor with Asus. DD-WRT may work on your device, or may cause issues. The following is a guide only, and may not work for you exact situation. Reflashing a device may lead to failure, "bricking", unexpected errors, or other issues, and I cannot guarantee that the process described will work for you. By continuing, you agree that to be solely responsible for any potential damage to your router or other attached devices.

But Why?

Why might you want to do this?

The common usage is to create SSIDs which are all broadcast from the same physical router/access-point connected but are logically separate from each other. This could allow you to create a layer of separation between your wireless devices

No really, why? (examples)

Some examples of where you might have separate SSIDs include:

The actual limit of SSIDs/VLANs depends on the capabilities/limits of your hardware and current version of DD-WRT etc

By using VLANs, you can use a single physical connection between your DD-WRT AP and your firewall

The Device

Our example device is an Asus AC1900 (RT-AC1900P) router.

Getting DD-WRT

The first thing to do with your device is check whether it's actually supported for DD-WRT.

Check here

If there is a minimum build # listed, your device should support DD-WRT. If it's a WIP... then it may require special steps or the build may not be fully functional.

Please note that the list is not exhaustive, and will in fact point you at the forums for more up-to-date information (but it's a good place to start)

Some devices have a link to an install guide, so follow that as needed.

The latest beta builds can be found here

For our device, there are still regular builds. Find the sub-folder for the current year, followed by the latest month/day and build # Grab the current .TRX firmware file

Installing DD-WRT

In the case of the RT-1900P, I was able to upload the firmware via the standard Asus WebUI. Doing so, however, put the router into rescue mode. In this mode, the device does not provide a DHCP server and has a limited web interface.

You can also force rescue mode by holding the RESET button (indent at the back) while the device is powered off, then continuing to hold it for approx 20s while you power the device on. In this mode, the power LED will blink on and off

Rescue Mode

To access your device while it is in rescue mode, you will need to:

You should end up at a screen like the following:

You can use the "Choose file" button to select new firmware from your PC, then click Upload to load it into the router.

This will take a few moments and you should see a screen like

If this was the first time flashing the device with DD-WRT, you will likely need to re-enter rescue mode and click the "Restore default NVRAM values"

Now click the "Reboot" link. Wait for the device to finish rebooting before you hit continue (you can watch to see when it returns a PING)

The initial loading process may take a few moments.

Accessing DD-WRT

If things are flashed correctly, you should be able to get a DHCP-assigned IP address. By default the router will also likely using so you could continual with the manual assignment, but I recommend switching back to DHCP at this point

Access the router via the webpage at

Set the administrative password

You should be at a password change screen. Set your administrative username and a good password (it should not be the same as your wifi password) and click "Change Credentials"

Some Base Configuration

Click on the "Setup" button.

You will be prompted to enter your username and password. Enter the ones you configured earlier. If you messed up on these somehow and locked yourself out... reset the device back to Rescue Mode and restore the default NVRAM values, again.

About our Configuration

In this example configuration, we will be setting up 4 SSIDs which attach to 3 VLANs, and a seperate VLAN for the LAN connections:

In the example configuration, we are not using firewall or even routing capabilities of the device. It will function purely as an AP with SSIDs tied to the various VLANs.

In this example configuration, each of these VLANs would lead to a networks with the own DHCP server, firewall, etc.

All networks will be connected through the WAN port on the DD-WRT device.

Your own configuration may diverge from this and you may want to use DHCP on some of the SSIDs and/or use the firewall.

While you are setting things up, you will probably want to keep the router unplugged from the rest of your network (don't plug in the WAN port either)

Wireless Tab

Basic Settings sub-tab

"Regulatory Domain" section

The main 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz SSIDs

These are your primary SSIDs which will be tied for VLAN 26 (internal wifi)

"Wireless Interface wl0" section "Wireless Interface wl1" section Save, Apply Settings

Adding a 2.4Ghz Virtual "IoT" network and "conf" network

Beneath the 2.4Ghz (wl0) interface, find the "Add Virtual AP" button and click it.
This should create a new Virtual Interface wl0.1.
Click the same "Add Virtual AP" (under the 2.4Ghz wl0) button again
This should create a new Virtual Interface wl0.2
Configure these new virtual interfaces

Virtual Interface wl0.1 Virtual Interface wl0.2

The conf network can be deleted later, but at times during the VLAN and IP changes you may run into issues and this should be helpful to connect

Save, Apply Settings

Adding a 5Ghz "Guest" Network

Beneath the 5Ghz (wl1) interface, find the "Add Virtual AP" button and click it.

This should create a new Virtual Interface wl1.1.

Virtual Interface wl1.1

Save, Apply Settings

Wireless Security sub-tab

For each of the interfaces (wl0,wl0.1,wl1,wl1.1), set security mode (i.e. WPA2-PSK), WPA Algorithms, and WPA Shared Key (wifi password)

Save, Apply Settings

At this point, you may wish to connect via wifi to the "dd-conf" network. Make sure you fix your wireless IP to something in the 192.168.1.x network with a netmask of

Setup Tab

"Switch Config" sub-tab (VLANs)

This is the first section that really applies to the VLANs in question. If you are not using the same device as me, this section may look different and you may have more or less ports

The end result will look something like this:

Make sure to "Save" and "Apply Settings"

"Networking" sub-tab (more VLAN config and bridging)

This section is a little persnickety so you may have to apply/reboot between some setting changes Tagging sub-section Add the following tagging:
Interface Tag Number
eth0 1
eth0 26
eth0 27
eth0 55

Bridging sub-section
Under this section, create the following bridges using the button in the "Action" column

Assign to Bridge sub-section

Create the following configuration

Assignment Interface
br-vlan26 vlan26
br-vlan26 eth1
br-vlan26 eth2
br-vlan27 vlan27
br-vlan27 wl1.1
br-vlan55 vlan55
br-vlan55 wl0.1
br-vlan1 vlan1

Note, due to some weirdness with DD-WRT and/or this device, wl0 is represented by eth1, and wl1 is represented by eth2

eth0 is an interface that is divided up into the ports via the switch configuration under the "Switch Config" tab

Interface Setup Port Setup sub-section Network Configuration vlan1 Network Configuration vlan26 Network Configuration vlan27 Network Configuration vlan55 Network Configuration br-vlan1 Network Configuration br-vlan126 Network Configuration br-vlan127 Network Configuration br-vlan155

"Basic Setup" sub-tab

"WAN Connection Type" section "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)" section

"Administration" Tab

"Management" sub-tab

"Web Access" section "Remote access" section "Reset Button" section: Make sure to "Save" and "Apply Settings"

WAN Connection

Reboot the DD-WRT device, and plug in the WAN connection. Now, test that each of your SSIDs appears to be mapping to the correct VLANs (if there's a different DHCP range for each, then the IP you get should correspond)